Converting street addresses to lat-lon coordinates using Google Earth

Frequently, you would like to import an Excel CSV or XLSX file onto a MapHub map but you don't have lat-lon coordinates. The following tutorial shows you how to convert a table of street addresses into coordinates.

Our sample data is the following table, containing museum names, descriptions, addresses and country. table

You can download this file here: museums.csv

  1. First step, you'll need the free Google Earth Pro app. Go to this link and select the desktop version. Download and install it.



  2. If your table is in XLSX format, you need to save it as CSV first.

  3. Open Google Earth Pro and select File / Import. Select your CSV file.

  4. On the first screen, the defaults are usually OK. If not, adjust until the columns are nicely separated. Click Next.

  5. On the next screen, select "This dataset does not contain lat/lon information...". Click Next. import

  6. On the next screen, choose which option describes your address format better.


  7. On the last screen, you can keep the defaults and click Finish.

  8. If there is any mistake, it'll ask you to fix the results.

  9. When asked about style template, click No:

  1. Right click on the csv file in Temporary Places and select Save Place As. You can use the default KMZ option.

  2. Go to MapHub and import the KMZ file into a map.

  3. The addresses will now display correctly, with coordinates.


Congratulations for converting your addresses to coordinates.