Converting street addresses to lat-lon coordinates using Google Sheets

Frequently, you would like to import an Excel CSV or XLSX file onto a MapHub map but you don't have lat-lon coordinates. The following tutorial shows you how to convert a table of street addresses into coordinates.

Note: If for some reason you cannot use Google Docs, there is an alternative (more complicated) tutorial using Google Earth: link

Sample data

Our sample data is the following table, containing museum names, descriptions, addresses and country. table

You can download this file here: museums.csv

Using Google Sheets

The simplest way to geocode a table is to upload it to Google Docs / Sheets and use the addon: Geocode by Awesome Table

  1. Install the addon: Geocode by Awesome Table
  2. Reload your table and click Extensions / Geocode by Awesome Table / Start Geocoding
  1. Click X and select your address column, if if's not automatically detected.
  1. Finally click the blue Geocode! button at the end. Don't click "Customize Tooltip" or "Open Map", we only need the lat-lon coordinates from this extension.
  1. After this, you can export your table in Excel XLSX format, ready to be imported to MapHub.